Budgeting & Planning for 2023

Financial and budget planning with chart report

Do you have your 6-month, 1 year, 3 year and beyond company goals in place? This is always a good place to begin when you start to plan for the new year. Each business has a different growth plan, and it is imperative to have your future mapped out in order put together an intentional marketing plan.

Here are some questions you want to ask yourself and leadership team to kickstart your 2023 marketing plan and budget.

1. Reflection

In today’s world, life is moving fast, businesses are moving fast and technology even faster, so it is hard sometimes to take a step back to reflect on the accomplishments and roadblocks from the past year. Take time to sit down and list the good and the not so good. With the good, why was it good? Was it revenue goals, project completion, new team members, etc? And yes, you must acknowledge the not so good. Why? Because this is where opportunity lies. Write it all down, compare notes, and have healthy conversations with your team.

2. What do you want?

Loaded question, I know! But seriously, ask yourself, what do you want for your business.

  • Is it growth?
  • Is it introducing a new product?
  • Is it a brand refresh?
  • Is to expand into the digital space?
  • Write it all down … what do you want!

3. Goal setting

You’ve reflected and declared what you want, so now is the time to bring these notes to Professional Media and sit with your team of marketing professionals (and some may say we have a good business sense too) to start mapping out your goals. We will help you declare the immediate goals (within the next 6 months), 1 year and beyond. Once discussed this is when we build your 12-month budget and plan.

4. Building your Plan & Budget

When mapping out your plan and budget we take past revenue and future revenue goals into consideration. Typically, your advertising budget is a percentage of gross sales. Advertising is not an expense; it is an investment and like any investment we want performance and results.

5. Breakdown between business operations, brand awareness & tactical advertising.

As we build your budget, we will look at what portion is allocated to business operations, brand awareness and tactical advertising.

Some examples:

  • We may design and print your business cards & letterhead – yes, you need a designer to accomplish this, but this is an operational expense.
  • Your website is an intricate part of your business. It is your 24/7 salesperson that needs to be at top performance all the time, so where does your website fit into your budget? In all 3 categories.
  • You need brand awareness like blogging, social media posts and interactive videos.
  • Then the tactical advertising, where we are measuring results.
  • Digital platform tactics (Google Ads, Spotify Ads, YouTube ads, Facebook/Insta Ads), mass media tactic (TV, radio, billboard, transit, print), email marketing tactics, and beyond.

There are so many different avenues we can go down for your marketing plan, it all begins with what you want. Each business is different. What works for one organization in Utica, NY may not work for another in Houston, TX.  Therefore, it is important to bring as much detail as possible to our planning meetings, so we can put together the best possible plan for your business based on your future plans, budget and current needs.

At Professional Media, we are here for YOU! We work for you based on your needs!

We are a full-service agency offering

  • Marketing consulting & strategy
  • Brand Awareness
  • Lead Generation
  • Digital Marketing
  • Podcasts
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Creative Design
  • Production Services
  • Web Development & implementation

We are proud to be an extension of your business, your marketing department. We look forward to building your 2023 plan and beyond. Please let us know if you are interested in having the Pro Media team come to your business to help you reflect on the past year, find out what you want for the future, set goals, (some may use the term KPI) and start to map out your plan. Together, we will build the path to continued success for your company.

Cheers to 2023!

