We Are Here To Help During This Tough Time

Lisa Roser and her boys

Hi Everyone!

Well, I’m not sure where to start … so here it goes. In this time of such uncertainty I am sure you are experiencing a level of stress that you may not have ever felt before. I know I have!

We are still open at Professional Media. Our team will be working remotely, nothing will keep us down! To all of our clients, we are just a phone call or email away. For those who may be in search of marketing and advertising advice during this trying and stressful time, I am available for a free consultation.

I’ve been on the phone and doing virtual meetings all week long, creatively thinking of strategies to help keep businesses going. I am here for you! I work in all industries and with businesses across the country. Don’t be shy, just reach out!

Email me at lroser@promediaonline.com; call the office and leave me a voicemail 315.797.8236 extension 3008 or you can private message our Facebook page.

I also want to give a huge shout out to my team! My warriors!!! They have come into work and pushed out so much work this week with no complaints! I am beyond blessed to have such a great team! Thank you Mike Verminski, Michele Dimeo Zegarelli, Josh Purcell, Kim Myers, Lisa Militano, Zach Surprenant, Richard Nitti and Ken Roser!

Say safe and healthy! Take the weekend to decompress!

Lisa Roser

