Marketing is more than a website.

We develop digital marketing strategies that drive traffic, generate leads and deliver ROI.

You’ve built a website and now you are waiting for the flood of new business that is supposed to come along with it… right?   Wrong.  Just because your website is on the internet does not mean that people will visit it and perhaps, they can’t even find it!  This is where Professional Media Services, Inc. Digital Marketing Services comes in.  We will make your website more visible on the internet and drive more traffic to it.


A great product and website is worthless if nobody can find it. We don’t just drive traffic—we drive the right traffic through a custom combination of the following strategies.


We analyze and assess your internet marketing plans, including campaign content, keywords, and design to determine how well search engines catalog the activity on your social media and behavioral marketing  platforms.


If you are not using Social Media to promote your business, you are missing out on some great exposure! Our Social Media package includes creating and maintaining along with you, the following social media tools:


PPC uses keywords to boost your online traffic to your business with text only advertising.

Behavioral marketing, in the context of online advertising, is a technique that target customers based on their previous web searches and online purchases. Ads that are displayed will then have greater effectiveness based on this behavior.


We believe marketing is an investment, not an expense. Therefore we focus on closed loop reporting and metrics that show which marketing efforts and channels result not only in visits and leads, but sales.

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